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Microbial Bioinformatics Podcast | Happykhan.com - Nabil-Fareed Alikhan

Microbial Bioinformatics Podcast

Microbial Bioinformatics is a rapidly changing field marrying computer science and microbiology. Join us as we share some tips and tricks we’ve learnt over the years. If you’re student just getting to grips to the field, or someone who just wants to keep tabs on the latest and greatest - this podcast is for you.

Meet the hosts! (mouse over)

72 Bactopia and using workflow managers in bioinformatics part 1

Interview with Dr. Robert Petit on BACTOPIA We are joined by Dr. Robert Petit from the Wyoming Public Health Laboratory, who is here to…

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70 Bacterial Taxonomy the grand vista is ahead of us

Bacterial Taxonomy and the Impact of Genomics In our ongoing series on bacterial taxonomy, we explore how genomics has revolutionized this…

71 Bacterial taxonomy Into the unknown, SeqCode, naming uncultured multitudes and renaming of phyla

Bacterial Taxonomy: New Approaches and Controversies In our latest discussion on bacterial taxonomy, we explore the innovative methods for…

69 Background to bacterial taxonomy

Discussion on Bacterial Taxonomy Recently, there has been a considerable amount of discussion surrounding the updated classification of…

68 Bacterial Taxonomy what is a species, what is a strain? part 2

Bacterial Taxonomy: What is a Species, What is a Strain? Part 2 Microbial Bioinformatics Bacterial taxonomy involves the classification and…