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MicroBinfie Podcast, 126 Tree viz

Released on August 22, 2024

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Tree visualizations help us understand complex branching structures and relationships in data, especially in the fields of biology and phylogenetics. Here are some popular tools and platforms used for creating and viewing tree visualizations:

  1. Microreact

    • Website: microreact.org
    • Microreact enables interactive visualization and sharing of phylogenetic trees and associated geographic, temporal, and other metadata.
  2. PhyloCanvas

    • Website: phylocanvas.gl
    • PhyloCanvas provides a versatile platform for rendering and interacting with biological trees in the browser.
  3. GrapeTree

    • GitHub: GrapeTree
    • GrapeTree is a tool for dynamic visualization of phylogenetic trees, particularly useful for analyzing bacterial genomes.
  4. Auspice/NextStrain

    • Website: nextstrain.org
    • Auspice is the visualization software used by NextStrain, providing real-time tracking of pathogen evolution.
  5. Taxonium

    • Website: taxonium.org
    • Taxonium offers powerful taxonomic tree visualization tools, optimized for handling extremely large datasets.
  6. iTOL: Interactive Tree Of Life

    • Website: itol.embl.de
    • iTOL is a web-based tool for the display, annotation, and management of phylogenetic and other trees.
  7. PhyloViz

    • Website: phyloviz.net
    • PhyloViz supports interactive visualization of phylogenetic trees with integrated manipulation and analysis features.
  8. Phandango

    • Website: Phandango
    • Phandango provides an interface for visualizing large-scale genomic data alongside phylogenetic trees.

These tools offer a range of capabilities for different applications, from simple tree visualization to complex phylogenetic analysis. Each tool has unique strengths, which makes selection dependent on the specific requirements of your project.

Episode 126 transcript