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Advanced map making tricks for R (projections, choropleths and showing specific regions)

In this example we will: Look at rnaturalearth Make a choropleth Play with projections a bit more. Requirements: R ggplot2 sf rnaturalearth…

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How to make a map in R

I recently made a map in R showing our SARS-CoV-2 collaborations. I thought that it came out really well and maybe other people might want…

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What is Mamba

If you use conda , you should use mamba . What is mamba then? The website describes it as: A Python-based CLI conceived as a drop-in…

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How to install (with Conda) jupyter, R and R packages

Installing and controlling R and jupyter notebooks through conda is a much easier than installing it natively. I give a full explanation at…

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Easy resources researchers can use to promote a better online presence

Building an online presence can sound all very daunting, and you may think this means that you need to write a website, and start blogging…

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