In this example we will:
Inspired by
If you have difficulties installing rnaturalearth
and sf
natively on your system,
I have found it possible by installing R
and the packages in a conda
I explain how to do this, here.
This post is part of a series about making maps in R:
library("rnaturalearth")library("ggplot2")library(sf)library(lwgeom)library(cowplot)# You also need to install rnaturalearthhires for this to work.# devtools::install_github("ropensci/rnaturalearthhires")# devtools::install_github("ropensci/rnaturalearthdata")# Get some data to put on the maplabel_frame <- data.frame("Label" = c("Brisbane", "Perth"), "Lat" = c(-27.4705, -31.9523), "Lon" = c(153.0260, 115.8613))label_frame <- st_as_sf(x=label_frame, coords = c("Lon", "Lat"), crs = "EPSG:4326")
I will post the projection and the R script stuff below it.
options(repr.plot.width=12, repr.plot.height=8)world_sf <- ne_countries(returnclass = "sf")# Themed with minimal grid from cowplotworld <- ggplot() +geom_sf(data = world_sf ) +ggtitle("van der Grinten IV")+theme_minimal_grid()+coord_sf(crs= "+proj=vandg4")world
world_sf <- ne_countries(returnclass = "sf")world <- ggplot() +geom_sf(data = world_sf, fill= "antiquewhite") +geom_sf_label(data = label_frame, aes(label = Label)) +coord_sf(crs= "+proj=robin") +theme_minimal_grid() +ggtitle("Robinson projection")world
crs_wintri <- "+proj=wintri +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +over"world_wintri <- st_transform_proj(world_sf, crs = crs_wintri)grat_wintri <-st_graticule(lat = c(-89.9, seq(-80, 80, 20), 89.9)) %>%st_transform_proj(crs = crs_wintri)ggplot(world_wintri) +geom_sf(size = 0.5/.pt) +geom_sf(data = grat_wintri, color = "gray30", size = 0.25/.pt) +coord_sf(datum = NULL) +theme_map() +ggtitle("Winkel tripel projection")
options(repr.plot.width=12, repr.plot.height=8)world_sf <- ne_countries(returnclass = "sf")crs_goode = "+proj=igh"# projection outline in long-lat coordinateslats <- c(90:-90, # right side down-90:0, 0:-90, # third cut bottom-90:0, 0:-90, # second cut bottom-90:0, 0:-90, # first cut bottom-90:90, # left side up90:0, 0:90, # cut top90 # close)longs <- c(rep(180, 181), # right side downrep(c(80.01, 79.99), each = 91), # third cut bottomrep(c(-19.99, -20.01), each = 91), # second cut bottomrep(c(-99.99, -100.01), each = 91), # first cut bottomrep(-180, 181), # left side uprep(c(-40.01, -39.99), each = 91), # cut top180 # close)goode_outline <-list(cbind(longs, lats)) %>%st_polygon() %>%st_sfc(crs = "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")goode_outline <- st_transform(goode_outline, crs = crs_goode)# get the bounding box in transformed coordinates and expand by 10%xlim <- st_bbox(goode_outline)[c("xmin", "xmax")]*1.1ylim <- st_bbox(goode_outline)[c("ymin", "ymax")]*1.1# turn into enclosing rectanglegoode_encl_rect <-list(cbind(c(xlim[1], xlim[2], xlim[2], xlim[1], xlim[1]),c(ylim[1], ylim[1], ylim[2], ylim[2], ylim[1]))) %>%st_polygon() %>%st_sfc(crs = crs_goode)# calculate the area outside the earth outline as the difference# between the enclosing rectangle and the earth outlinegoode_without <- st_difference(goode_encl_rect, goode_outline)world <- ggplot(data = world_sf) +geom_sf(size = 0.5/.pt) +geom_sf(data = goode_without, fill = "white", color = "NA") +coord_sf(crs = crs_goode) +theme_minimal_grid()+ggtitle("Interrupted Goode Homolosine projection")world
A lot of these projections like Gall Peters and Hobo Dyer are Equal Area Cylindrical projections with specific settings.
options(repr.plot.width=12, repr.plot.height=8)world_sf <- ne_countries(returnclass = "sf")world <- ggplot() +geom_sf(data = world_sf, color = "grey", fill = "black") +ggtitle("Hobo Dyer projection")+theme_map()+coord_sf(crs= "+proj=cea +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=37.5 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs")world
options(repr.plot.width=12, repr.plot.height=8)world_sf <- ne_countries(returnclass = "sf")world <- ggplot() +geom_sf(data = world_sf) +ggtitle("Equidistant Cylindrical (Plate Carrée)") +theme_minimal_grid()+coord_sf(crs= "+proj=eqc") +theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(color = gray(.5), linetype = "dashed", size = 0.5),panel.background = element_rect(fill = "aliceblue"))world
A lot of options for a globe Orthographic (+proj=ortho
) works fine but the proportions look a bit flat.
+proj=geos +h=35785831.0 +lon_0=-70 +sweep=y
+proj=nsper +h=3000000 +lat_0=-23 +lon_0=130
options(repr.plot.width=12, repr.plot.height=8)world_sf <- ne_countries(returnclass = "sf")world <- ggplot() +geom_sf(data = world_sf) +ggtitle("Near-sided perspective") +theme_minimal_grid()+coord_sf(crs= "+proj=nsper +h=3000000 +lat_0=-23 +lon_0=130")worldworld <- ggplot() +geom_sf(data = world_sf) +ggtitle("Geostationary Satellite View") +theme_minimal_grid()+coord_sf(crs= "+proj=geos +h=35785831.0 +lon_0=20 +sweep=y ")worldworld <- ggplot() +geom_sf(data = world_sf) +ggtitle("Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection") +theme_minimal_grid()+coord_sf(crs= "+proj=laea +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +lon_0=-74 +lat_0=40")world
Doesn't really work, I don't think it is supported. Someone implemented something for R here:
Waterman butterfly is also not implemented either.
world <- ggplot() +geom_sf(data = world_sf) +ggtitle("Peirce Quincuncial") +coord_sf(crs= "+proj=peirce_q +lon_0=25 +shape=square")world
A lot of these projections like Gall Peters and Hobo Dyer are Equal Area Cylindrical projections with specific settings.
world <- ggplot() +geom_sf(data = world_sf) +ggtitle("Gall Peters projection") +theme_minimal_grid()+coord_sf(crs= "+proj=cea +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +lat_ts=45 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs")worldgall.png
Questions or comments? @ me on Twitter @happy_khan
The banner image is an AI generated picture (Midjourney) with prompt; 'mappa mundi'. You can share and adapt this image following a CC BY-SA 4.0 licence.